Location Ferrento
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Rototiller, Gas
Multiple models
$55 day
$200 week
$495 month

A gas-powered rototiller is a powerful agricultural and landscaping tool, ideal for turning soil, mixing in nutrients, and preparing seedbeds over large areas. Equipped with a robust gasoline engine, this rototiller can effectively break up hard, compacted soil, making it suitable for a variety of ground preparation tasks. Its rugged design and deep-penetrating tines are perfect for cultivating and aerating soil in gardens, greenhouses, and small farms.


  • High-performance gasoline engine ensures powerful and consistent soil cultivation.
  • Durable, heavy-duty tines designed for deep soil penetration and effective aeration.
  • Adjustable tilling widths and depths to accommodate different soil types and gardening needs.
  • Ergonomic handles and vibration-reduction technology to enhance operator comfort and reduce fatigue.
  • Built to withstand tough environmental conditions and continuous use.


Gas-powered rototillers are commonly used by landscapers, gardeners, and small-scale farmers who require a reliable tool to handle tough soil conditions and large plots. This tool is particularly effective for initial soil preparation before planting, incorporating organic matter into the soil, and controlling weed growth in agricultural and residential settings.

Available equipment

Location Ferrento offers a variety of models and brands. Here is a list of the possible equipment you could get:

  • Honda F501K1
  • Honda F501K2C2
  • Polyquip PT5B